Dementia Or Alzheimer’s?

An elderly man looking out a window

It is becoming more common for people to be aware of dementia and Alzheimer’s, however, there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding these two conditions.

Staying Safe And Healthy This Winter

A care captains snowman keeping warm in the snow

Now that summer is over for another year and winter is just around the corner, lots of people are starting to plan ahead for the upcoming colder months.

Fall Prevention In Later Years

An elderly person holding something in their hand after a fall

Although anyone can have a fall, as people get older they tend to fall more regularly than those who are younger and more physically able.

The Importance Of Diet Within A Care Plan

The Importance Of Diet Within A Care Plan

One specific part of any care plan that definitely shouldn’t be overlooked is diet and it is absolutely essential to ensure that you’re covering this within an elderly person’s care plan.

Staying Healthy In Your Older Years

Staying Healthy In Your Older Years

Staying healthy is essential to maintaining your independence and this is something that many are incredibly keen to do, so knowing how to live a healthy life as you get older is really important.

Managing Prescribed Medications As You Age

managing medications care captains

There is no denying that managing all of this medication as you age can be quite difficult, yet it is incredibly important to ensure that you’re taking any medication correctly, especially prescribed medications.

Planning Ahead For The Future

plan ahead care captains

As you get older, the future is something that you can’t ignore and it is incredibly common for people to want to plan their own funeral.

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