How We Manage Your Care
The first step is to get in touch with us and tell us all about the person who may be in need a little extra support.
You can do this via the Get in Touch page. We don’t believe you can condense a person’s whole life story into a little box but giving us as much information as you can will set us off on the right path together.
We will select care providers who share this enabling approach – doing care tasks with people where possible, rather than for them.

More than likely, it will take a few of these chats before we have the finalised care plan. With agreement in place and a start date in mind, we will then look to find, negotiate with and appoint a provider.
Care Captains are advocates of the enabling approach to care delivery. This means we want people to maintain their levels of independence and enhance them, if possible.
We will select care providers who share this enabling approach – doing care tasks with people, rather than for them.
With the care now in place, Care Captains will monitor care performance. Regular reviews of the care plan, particularly in the first few weeks, will be undertaken. We will also hold the client’s budget for them (typically 4 weeks worth of care) and only release to the provider upon agreement with our client.
All too often people only put support in place following an incident which could have been prevented. Don’t wait for the trip or fall. Earlier intervention helps people stay fitter for longer.
A care home or sheltered scheme is not the inevitable destination for all. Most people would prefer to stay in their own home, in surroundings they trust and are comfortable with. People stay healthier for longer in their homes compared with a move into a residential setting. Designing an effective homecare plan is a key to achieving this.
Less is more! We encourage an enabling approach to care delivery. It is all too easy to start doing tasks for people that they are capable of doing themselves, thus reducing their capabilities and making them more dependent upon others.
When searching locally, the array of different providers all offering a wide range of services can be overwhelming. The right care providers will offer flexible, bespoke solutions and treat each client as an individual. It shouldn’t be the client that has to fit what the provider has to offer which, unfortunately, can often be the case.
As there are a vast spectrum of providers then so there is a wide range of prices set. It should be noted here that the care market is not an exemplary model. Paying more does is no way guarantee better care. Care Captains seek out the outstanding care providers who offer value for money.